Grass seed: Ryegrass or no ryegrass...
By Bryony
United Kingdom
...that is the question!
I need to re-seed a patch on my lawn and I don't know whether I should use a mix with or without ryegrass.
If I buy 'without ryegrass' and use it on a lawn 'with ryegrass' will it look awful? And vice-versa?
Last year I re-seeded a patch and some awful tall weed grasses came up (very noticable as the lawn was not mowed whilst I was away). So I would also like to know a reliable brand if anyone has recommendations. Thanks!
21 Apr, 2010
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I'd recommend you choose one with ryegrass in it, but check the box - it should tell you what mix of seeds is present, and you want one with short leaved rye grass, not just rye grass.
21 Apr, 2010
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i would seed what you already have and keep it mowed down though the forst time you cut the reseaded parts its worth doing with scissers
21 Apr, 2010