By Pixielady
United Kingdom
Hi everyone, I have been given an Exochorda 'The Bride' - its a lovely plant, but I can't decide what other plants to put it with. Do I plant it with other spring flowers, of the same colour or contrasting- I'm going round in circles, please help!
22 Apr, 2010
Thanks Spritzhenry, the violas sound a nice idea and I do have lots of forget-me-nots so I'll see if that might work somewhere.
24 Apr, 2010
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« Hi everyone, I have been given an Exochorda 'The Bride' - its a lovely plant,...
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I'd say contrasting. It's white flowered, as you probably know, and if you possibly can, plant it on a bank, slope, or in a wall so that it 'drapes' over to the best effect.
It's coming into bloom now, I expect - so try underplanting it with forget-me-nots and pretty purple violas for a lovely spring display.
You could also go and have a browse at your local Garden Centre for ideas of what's in flower now - but don't plant out summer bedding yet!
22 Apr, 2010