United Kingdom
Hello can somebody answer a question for me please, started dahlias off in boxes they are now about 3 inches high, when I do put them in tubs or garden, do I bury the green new growth, or not, it will mean the tubers will be close to the surface, whereas if you put the whole tuber in the ground after frost, you can bury it deeper, also what soil for a good show for the tubs, thank you.
23 Apr, 2010
Transfere to open ground/tubs outside, when all danger of frost for your area is past. It used to be the end of May. Then we got earlier with milder weather. May be a bit wary this year as it is still quite cold today in London area even though sunny. It depends how long the shoots are when you put them out. If they are deeper they might survive the winter in the ground, as a couple of mine did this last winter, To my surprise.
23 Apr, 2010
thank you all
24 Apr, 2010
Hello Patricia wish could help but I have never grown dehlias .
We are still getting frost in Scotland so untill it gets milder unless you have a greenhouse and they would be ok in tubs and then when weather gets better you could put in to garden.
23 Apr, 2010