By Seaburngirl
East Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Not dead but what is it doing?
I have had this bamboo [lost its name years ago] for 9yrs and 2 yrs ago it flowered. it had the very odd leaf on some stems last year. It is now flowering again. but no leaves. So will it re-leaf? I didnt dig it out last time as I liked the structure.
if you can supply a name I'd be happy too. It is in alkaline soil in deep dry shade, selected for that reason. And it has never run.

23 Apr, 2010
Cant answer your question SBG sorry, But I'd like to ask you one. Would this grow in my wildlife area on the back fence? My soil is alkaline to, it would be in shade. Do the wildlife like it?
23 Apr, 2010
Bit hard to answer, Seaburngirl, just looks like a bunch of dead sticks with seeds, lol! I know all the Fargesia in the universe flowered about 4 or 5 years ago - could it be one that's just done it a little late? And are they actually flowers, or just exposed seeds - when mine flowered it just looked like dead brown things, not actual flowers. I cut it down and then got rid of it the following year, so I don't know what it would have done had I left the flowers in place. Fargesia is a clump former, doesn't run.
23 Apr, 2010
They are new flowers for definite. The anthers are producing pollen. The old flowers are very dry and wizzened. Fargesia rings a bell so thanks for the name Bamboo. As you know they are a grass so the flowers can be insignificant. They are about 2-3cm long /1" long.
It would certainly grow for you Great, but as to wild life benefits dont know really. I liked the form and texture.
23 Apr, 2010
Just noticed a blurry dead flower in the middle at the very top. very beige and dry.
23 Apr, 2010
I reckon it was Fargesia - I've replaced mine, so that shouldn't flower for another 100 years, lol
23 Apr, 2010
hope the pandas were not relying on it ! Your replacement should see us both out then. :o)
23 Apr, 2010
Certainly will, what a sobering thought...
23 Apr, 2010
happy soul arnt I? :o))
23 Apr, 2010
Dunno what you're on about, Seaburngirl, I'm the original Grumpy Old Woman (even when I was young)
23 Apr, 2010
no surely not :o)
23 Apr, 2010
Lol.....what a pair you are......:-)
23 Apr, 2010
Hee hee, yea, I suppose we are, amble alice;-))
23 Apr, 2010
sorry it is blurry but it is so windy at the moment.
23 Apr, 2010