By Bluebell3
Tyne And Wear,
United Kingdom
I absolutely love Bluebells. Over the past few years they have appearing in my garden, but I would love more! can you buy them?
27 Apr, 2010
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I have had mine for years and find they just spread themselves - a few more each year. Please buy some of the English variety, I very late flowering this year
27 Apr, 2010
Dear oh dear, I have recently dug up and recycled 2 huge bin liners full of bluebells, and probably done the same every year for 30 years in various gardens. I love them - but in woods, not in ordinary gardens, specially in small gardens, far too invasive. If you really want more, don't remove the flowerheads on the ones you have - they seed themselves which helps increase your stock. Remember to ask for a machete as a present in about 5 years - either that or a flamethrower, so you can clear a space in the garden, lol;-))
27 Apr, 2010
Make sure you buy Hyacinthoides non-scripta, which is the English Bluebell, otherwise you might end up with Spanish Bluebells, which are cross-pollinating with our natives so that our truely pure native bluebell is slowly dieing out.
27 Apr, 2010
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Yes - and it's best to buy 'in the green' from a reputable company who grow them for sale - NOT those people who ruin bluebell woods by taking them form the wild!
27 Apr, 2010