By Fearns
United Kingdom
Last autumn I bought Pheasant's Eye Narcissus and planted them as per instructions and waited with baited breath, as I absolutely adore the look and perfume of these bulbs. Was pleased when greenery started to grow, but to my dismay, that's all that I have - green leaves and no flowers at all. What is going on? is it the very cold winter and what do I do with them - just leave them in ground and will they flower next year?
28 Apr, 2010
Feed them with diluted tomato food at this stage, and that might 'boost' them for next year. Did you plant them deeply enough? That's one reason for 'blind' Narcissi.
28 Apr, 2010
Yes leave them hopefully they will bloom next year.
I had this problem with some daffodil bulbs about 3 years back and they bloomed this year.But i only had one bloom last year on them .They just need to get established
28 Apr, 2010