By Cornishtart
United Kingdom
Does anyone know where I can get tree Dahlia seeds in UK ?
30 Apr, 2010
If you want the plant then the link that weatherwise has sent you looks good I have been looking at the net and I cannot find anything. Strange and wonderful things who is based over in San Francisco in the states does occasionally list these seeds on eBay and he is very good has I have got a few things from him and his web site is worth a look at anyway. He gives excellent tips on how to grow these and all his other plants.
30 Apr, 2010
Thanks for the replies .I love growing everything from seed ,it's more of a challenge :)
I am in touch with one person in US who says she'll mail me when she knows if some seeds are available ,but only after she's taken all the ones she wants .lol.
They've become very rare it seems.
The trouble with buying out of the UK is the time anything takes to get here..
Thanks again.
1 May, 2010
Previous question
dont know about the seeds, but you can buy the plant here (copy and paste link)
30 Apr, 2010