By Sallyb
United Kingdom
I have potted hellebore bulbs two years ago straight into the soil, lots of lovely tall green leaves but no flowers as yet, how long does it take for them to flower?
2 May, 2010
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My seedlings from older Hellebores 1-2 year old. If you mean flowering time. should be gone over and into seeding by now. Maybe a feed. If leaves discoloured remove them. Are they in shade, which they like? Or at least dappled shade. They like to be in amongst other taller plants. Can't think of anything else.......Welcome to GOY Sally.
2 May, 2010
Thanks to you both! new to gardening as you can probably tell,
I bought them from a gardening website and had them delivered with numerous other plants, already with leaves, so assumed they were from bulbs? They are healthy with loads of new leaves this year but still no flowers, i gave them a feed last week so fingers crossed but have looked close and there are no buds for flowers?? thanks.
2 May, 2010
All plants can be reluctant at times Sally. Blind rose shoots. Slow budding perlargoniums. No blossom on a fruit tree, or if blossom no set. Sometimes its a dud plant, something eating the root like vine weevil. Placing in light or shade needed. Not feeding enough and too dry at the root and so on. Good luck with your gardening Sally.
2 May, 2010
thanks alot!
2 May, 2010
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Hello Sally and welcome to GoY. Not quite sure how to answere this. If they were indeed 'bulbs' then they were not hellebores as these have heavy roots but not bulbs. If you are talking about bought in hellebores then I would expect them to flower in the second year after purchase, if not in the first year. Did you grow them yourself from seed, get given them by a friend or buy them from a nursery/garden center?
2 May, 2010