By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I want to expand into veg more and space is a premium at my house the back we use mainly as it is very private and is nearly all decking with flower tubs and we want to keep it that way. At the front we have a small garden with a few roses and gravel on the surface what I am thinking of doing is buying a 180cm x 90cm x 15cm raised flower bed kit from B/Q getting some membrane weed guard and creating a veg plot on top of the gravel will this be OK or will I have problems
3 May, 2010
Fifteen cm (six inches) is very shallow for growing vegetables, Steve. Cabbages and peas are shallow rooted and you might get away with that but I would recommend digging the soil below the raised bed, as suggested by Great.
3 May, 2010
I am growing my veg in the front garden too and have dug down into the soil and then put a raised bed on top of that as previously suggested. I also use pots to grow things in..potatoes and carrots and an old drawer full of lettuce and another one with peas in it.
3 May, 2010
I'd take the gravel up so the roots of your veg have more space to put down roots. I would also grow potatoes in the bed first to break up the soil then you wont have to dig it too much. Fill your bed with compost and away you go. Hope this helps
3 May, 2010