By Aitchw
United Kingdom
Removing poorly Cordyline leaves?
My recently transplanted (about 7 weeks ago) Cordyline's lower leaves have turned yellow and are now going brown. A couple on the top are still green. It gets watered every day. Do I remove the dead leaves, or do nothing at all, apart from continuing watering?
3 May, 2010
cordilines arnt real water lovers .
4 May, 2010
Thanks. Treesandthings. I never thought of using scissors but will have a go.
Noseypotter, I didn't realise I could be harming it by watering every day. I was only doing this because it had been transplanted from another garden. I will now water less frequently. I haven't anything to loose really as it's already looking poorly.
I'm not 100% sure that it's a cordyline. The leaves are quite broad, strong and pointed (when healthy). Maybe it's a yucca, but it doesn't look like any I have seen on pictures. The 3 flowers on it look like those on cordylines though.
5 May, 2010
well if youve moved it it will need more watering than normaly as it goes as long as the soil drains quite well.its not so much the cold thats killed or damaged these its realy the wet . a couple of summers ago was quite a wet summer here in norfolk and a warm one but they didnt like that much either.i lost a couple .from now on ill just tye the leaves up in a point over winter to stop the snow sitting on them .
5 May, 2010
Noseypotter. I will tie my leaves up over winter, if it survives that far!
6 May, 2010
i will always tie my leaves up to . once bitten lol .
6 May, 2010
Previous question
I always use a sharp pair of scissors and snip off the old or dying leaves, then chop them up small and put on the compost.
Also I would only water every few days if it hasn't rained.
3 May, 2010