By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Will my tomato plants that are around 12/18 inches tall and looking healthy be OK in my greenhouse unheated
4 May, 2010
I dont have asoil bed and tomato plants getting big and needing potted on .
Do I need to use growbag mixtiure or can you just use multipurpose compost?
I have two greenhouse will move tomatos into unheated..
5 May, 2010
I'm hoping to put mine in the grobags today, they've been unheated now--- except for the sun--- for about 2 weeks but i'm careful with watering, draughts etc. until they settle in
5 May, 2010
Scotkat - with growbags you plant straight into the bag, I suspect that's probably the only difference between growbag mixture and mult-purpose! Whatever you use, you'll have to feed your toms weekly once they set fruit.
5 May, 2010
Previous question
« I'm quite pleased that I've got these seeds growing, but wondered if anyone...
yes they will mine are in the soil bed of the gh now. they are doing well too, despite the frosts of the last few nights.
4 May, 2010