By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
Has anybody found weeds in bought topsoil and compost the reason that I ask is that I have noticed 1 or 2 weed type shoots amongst seedlings in my seed trays they look a bit like grass
5 May, 2010
In compost yes me too, even had the odd tiny mushroom
5 May, 2010
And worst of all, Bermudan buttercup,grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
5 May, 2010
Well it sounds pretty OB?
5 May, 2010
You shouldn't get weed seeds in potting compost, whether it be multi purpose or John Innes. You will get them, though, in conditioning composts and very often in bought topsoil.
5 May, 2010
I've never yet bought topsoil or compost that hasn't produced weeds. It seems to be worse now than it ever was.
5 May, 2010
Rotten compost then, I wouldn't be buying that again - in theory, any potting composts sold on the market should have been sterilised to kill off weed seedlings. Not true of topsoil though.
5 May, 2010
I have found tons of clover in my compost bought from Homebase which is annoying but no grass. Its a pain when that happens isn't it?
5 May, 2010
Oxalis cornuta may sound pretty, but it is a thug. This will survive being sterilised by the way, or least ways I have never managed to kill it off, even with Formaldehyde or microwaves.
5 May, 2010
...teaches me for buying the cheapest compost....
5 May, 2010
you find a lot of old mushroom soil ends up being sold / given away as topsoil but its realy good as you dont get weeds because the greenhouses are always blanked out .
5 May, 2010
you cheapskate sid lol .i wouldnt worry weeds get in to soil anywear one way or the other even on top of membrane so its just path of the coarse realy i guess sid.
5 May, 2010
Oi you ;-) You're looking different NP - got a new hair do?!
6 May, 2010
its strange how much younger i look when i grow my hair isnt it sid lol xx .
6 May, 2010
Yeah, but you look much older today....couple a'hundred at least I'd say ;-)
8 May, 2010
i have a chissled look sid lol
8 May, 2010
Yup, and kinda Gothic ;-)
8 May, 2010
yes funnily enough
8 May, 2010
Yes, I get that too.
5 May, 2010