By Wendygrocott
United Kingdom
My gillie flowers always seem to bolt how can I keep them small I buy dwarf seed
5 May, 2010
Interesting Sbg, in South Yorkshire we used the term Gillie Flowers for Wallflowers!
If you are refering to wallflowers, Wendy, then you could try pinching out the growing tip when the plant is a few inches tall.
5 May, 2010
Tried most methods but thanks for replies. We have been told the parks dept use hybrid seeds and an inhibitor which keeps their gillies small !!!
5 May, 2010
that is the problem with local names isnt it BA. Never heard them called that in east yorks. gillies in co durhammy family anyway] were pinks. arrgh....
5 May, 2010
6 May, 2010
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this is an arachaic name for dianthus and they can depending on the variety/species produce flowers on long stems. When you say dwarf seed what are they called on the seed packet.
5 May, 2010