By Catty4667
United Kingdom
hi all, would it be okay to put grass seed down now, i only ask because the weather has me all confused and i do not think there will be a frost any time soon and i have bought quite a few bulbs would they be okay to put in now as well?
21 Feb, 2014
thank you, the bulbs are a mixed lot they are, Anemone, Ranunculus, Triteleia, Dalia Catus, Gladiolus, Acidanthera, and Fresias.
21 Feb, 2014
usual planting time for most of the ones you've mentioned is April, with the exception of Gladioli, which is March. As we're not really having a winter, more an extended autumn, you could chance it and plant now I suppose. Dahlias are better started off in pots in a warm spot this time of year. Triteleia can be planted in spring, but is best planted in autumn - I planted mine in spring last year and most of them flowered anyway though. I'm assuming the anemones aren't the spring flowering ones...
25 Feb, 2014
thank you, and i have no idea but as they were sold together in a big pack then i wouldn't think they were. thank you for the help.
25 Feb, 2014
You can put grass seed down now, but even with a temperature drop at night down to 5 degrees, it'll be a good while before it germinates. I'd put it down and just add more later on if it doesn't work or gets washed out.
As for bulbs, depends what they are - I'm assuming they're not spring flowering (those are planted in autumn) so maybe things like lilies? Yes you can plant those now, provided they're hardy ones.
21 Feb, 2014