By Amsterdam
United Kingdom
Cows parsley. Picked some wild c.p seed pods last year and they have been drying out in airing cupboard. Seeds are ready to go. Really like the tructure of c.p. Can I sow them in the garden in spring but I was thinking as they grow in such abundance on the road verges I am worried they might be really invasive? Trying to recreate cottage garden but not sure if it such a good idea?
21 Feb, 2014
I can't see why it can't be kept under control if you are prepared to cut the seed heads off before they drop. I also think it's quite pretty.
21 Feb, 2014
They certainly seed freely!!! I spend my life trying to eradicate it from our woodland area given up now and tolerate it,it looks pretty for a short time,this year its so early emerging with the mild winter it's smothering all my snowdrops :-(, I thought it was a biennial ? but I deadhead and it still comes back!!!!!!
21 Feb, 2014
Thank you for your answers.I will sprinkle some seeds in my wildlife area first and see how it goes.
21 Feb, 2014
I really wouldn't - it gets everywhere. Just enjoy it on the verges.If you do go ahead its best to deadhead all of it before it seeds.
22 Feb, 2014
Ok. Thanks. I had my suspicions it wouldn't be a good idea. Always good to check!
23 Feb, 2014
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they can be a thug as they seed freely but if you dead head before seed set then they wont be a problem.
21 Feb, 2014