By Shell820810
United Kingdom
How can I get rid of a wasp nest in the ground.
What is the safest and quickest way of getting rid of a nest I found when I was weeding. There is a hole in the ground at the roots of a tree and there are lots of young wasps around it. I have two yorkies and cant take the risk of them being attacked. I have heard of using diesel or kerosene fumes, smoking them out or using wasp killer from garden centre. any better than other?
8 May, 2010
I have used the powder on a number of occasions. It works very well and should be ideal for a hole in the ground.
8 May, 2010
thanks folks - powder it is. heard its best done after dusk when they are all in the nest?
8 May, 2010
Take care !!!! They sting when angry and I have been at the end of one of their stings, we had a nest in our shed and I disturbed it unknowingly and they gave chase !! yes best done in the early eve. Would your council come out and do it, ours does?
8 May, 2010
Can your local coucil remove it for you?
9 May, 2010
Do it in the afternoon as the wasps are coming back to the nest. The idea is for them to take it into the nest on their feet.
9 May, 2010
I use a spray Wasp nest destroyer. You spray it at night into the entrance to the nest and it wipes out the whole lot. Easiier than the dust as the foam stops any of them from coming out.
9 May, 2010
Only do this in the evening or at dusk when they are inactive and do take care!
9 May, 2010
they sleep at night .if there in the ground you could just drown them .just build up like a little pond round the entrance and get filling .
9 May, 2010
I didn't think wasps ever nested in the ground? Thought it was always in the loft, under the barge boards of a house, in a tree, in a shed, never below ground.
9 May, 2010
I have experience of them nesting in holes in the ground as well as in bushes, roof spaces and sheds, Bamboo.
9 May, 2010
wasps are like us there great opertunists
9 May, 2010
They tend to use the bark to make their extraordinary nests which are a beauty to look at, but the occupants deadly. Apparently wasps are brilliant hoovers in our garden and clean up in the autumn.
9 May, 2010
they get rid of lots of pests and there nests are amazing . i remember seeing a multicolour one of blue and green wear they had been using the wood of my stained fence and others next door lol .
9 May, 2010
Yes Noseyp they are one of natures querks.If left alone they do no harm, they are hard working creatures, it is when you try to get rid that they raise their game.
9 May, 2010
ow yes they just dont always fit in with us humans very well as they nest in sheds ,rooves etc but there only trying to do what we are trying to do.just consider yourself lucky we dont have the giant japanese hornet living here . they openly hunt our wimpy eurpean hornets and a dozen can kill an english bees nest of 40,000 within about half an hour . they are nearly 2 inches long and the scientist likned one sting to having a red hot 6 inch nail hammerd into you instantly .OUCH
9 May, 2010
Would not like to meet a giant j. hornet on a dark night !!!!!
9 May, 2010
you should google one on images they look as evil as you imagine
9 May, 2010
Love your new hair do Noseyp !!!!!!
11 May, 2010
yes very pale isnt it grandmage lol
11 May, 2010
Im part of a gardening company and im just turning a bed over in a school carpark I've just cone across a whole with loads of wasps ... Wats the quickest option
17 Oct, 2012
The pwoder as described above. It will kill them overnight and you can dig the nest out the following morning.
17 Oct, 2012
wasps dont reuse nests so you can leave the wasp nest wear it is .
17 Oct, 2012
Wasps came back and are using same nest which is the root of the privet bush near our gate. If I dust them with Derris again would that stop them and get rid
14 Aug, 2016
Actually, Townsenk, they don't use the same nest again, they build a new nest each time maybe close to the original. I would dust with powder and then dig out the nest a couple of days later.
14 Aug, 2016
I have used the powder. the wasps walk it into the nest and then it kills them. it doesnt get them angry like trying to burn them out will. We had a wasp nest behind an air brick and the powder worked a treat. you will have to keep the dogs away from the powder as I think it will not be good for them.
8 May, 2010