By Trudyb
United Kingdom
can I lift my daffodil bulbs in May to replant in Autumn
Asked from the GoYpedia
daffodils page
9 May, 2010
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I leave mine in the ground, but if you want to lift them wait until 6 weeks after they have finished flowering, or you risk very few flowers next year. Also dont forget to feed them
9 May, 2010
Some people do lift them to plant bedding plants but I don't see the necessity for this. If you do lift them I would not do it before June.
9 May, 2010
And feed with half strength liquid tomato food once a week.
9 May, 2010
Do you feed before lifting?
2 Jun, 2013
Yes, but it is probably too late to feed this year now as you do when the leaves are still green. That said a lot of our daffodils do still have green leaves.
2 Jun, 2013
Thanks,I am going to lift some of my bulbs and replant them once I have cleaned and separated them, so wasn't sure if I was the feed them when replanted.
However,I too have some daffodils with green leaves so I can feed them now.
Thanks again.
2 Jun, 2013
You are welcome Helen
2 Jun, 2013
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Personally, I would leave them in the ground, they will grow next year anyway.
9 May, 2010