By Womble13
United Kingdom
Pumpkin advice - i've started to grow my own pumpkins (Rocket F1) this year and so far it is going well. All but one seed germinated and i will soon be ready to move them outside. My only problem- where i planned to put them i have realised doesnt get enough sunlight for them so i was after some advice on if they would be suitable to grow in plant boxes. I'm currently in the process of building some new plant boxes and i was wondering how much room one pumpkin would require and how deep the plant box would need to be. Do the roots grow deep or would a plant box 30cm deep be ok? Any advice i would be gratefully recieved.
12 May, 2010
I grew one last year in my allotment. When a baby pumpkin appeared, I pinched out the ends of the plant (they sort of wander all over the place and take up a lot of room if you let them) and I managed to grow one pumpkin which grew to the size of a football. Not the biggest but it was my first go and the soup I made from it was beautiful. You need to rest the pumpkin on something so it doesn't rot underneath. I used straw. The roots didn't appear to go too far down when I pulled it out but maybe that's why the pumpkin was so small!
13 May, 2010
Thank you for the advice. I've got a space which is roughly a metre by a metre and i've planted 3 plants in the area. As soon as they have polinated i will remove 2 of the plants and pinch out the other as suggested.
17 May, 2010
Previous question
« ideas on what i can plant in between 2 dicentra's (bleeding hearts). I'm...
Unless it is a space saving variety, I would 1 plant in a box at least 45 cm wide and deep. Bigger would be better.
13 May, 2010