By Christabel
United Kingdom
I usually put my runner beans in (outside) on 14 May. But this year it's cold! Shall I risk it?
14 May, 2010
Well I have had the same quandry for the past few weeks and have decided to plant them out and wrap fleece round them for a while - they are very strong and healthy looking - fingers crossed. Met a man at the garden centre yesterday who lost all of his the night before because of frost.
14 May, 2010
I've just been hardening mine off - and will put them out in their perm position Sunday.
14 May, 2010
We have only just started ours off in pots and they will not go outside until June when all risk of frost is past. Personally I'd hold of planting out for at least a week Christabel
14 May, 2010
wait a few days - we are looking at some warmer weather after the weekend.
14 May, 2010