Blackspot/Olive Tree
By Dreeny8
United Kingdom
We have an Olive Tree which is in a pot. Had it for a few years now, suddenly it has developed Blackspot. I know this is not curable but the whole of the plant's leaves are effected, should I dispose of it or just keep spraying and hoping.
We've lived here not quite 2yrs and I've only just realised that one of the trees at the bottom of our garden which has always dropped its leaves also has Blackspot. It's very tall being part of a line of trees making an effective boundary for privacy. Apart from the leaves whiuch tumble it looks quite healthy and although it is some distance from the Olive wonder if this could be the culprit. This is too big to spray.
The other candidate is a small Rose I bought last year from a Garden Centre and which within a couple of weeks displayed Blackspot. This is slightly nearer the Olive.
Earlier in the year I treated my Roses with an organic mixture which included Bi-carb and I now spray fortnightly with a normal pesticide.
Anyone fighting the dreaded blackspot at the moment?
19 May, 2010
Hi Bamboo, thanks for reply.
The other tree is a Photina.
19 May, 2010
I'd like to know what pesticide you're using - suggest you go and buy Roseclear 3 (make sure it's Roseclear 3, and not the other ones) and a sprayer, mix it up to the right strength for fungal infections, and spray with that.
19 May, 2010
Thank-u Bamboo.
I can,t recollect off-hand the name of the Fungicide, I'll check it out and come back.
19 May, 2010
Are you absolutely certain it's black spot on the Olive (and the tree) rather than Leaf Spot? What variety is the large tree that suffers?
19 May, 2010