By Bluemagnolia
United Kingdom
Small pond - mould or liner?
Im thinking of putting a small pond in my garden but have no experience of this would anyone recommend using a mould or pond liner, thank you.
19 May, 2010
If you look (go to Google) at the millon pond website you will find all the info you need. Also the has a booklet you can download. I have myself just made a pond out of an old tin bath. Good luck with yours. Welcome to GOY
19 May, 2010
Mould best, last longer. Either one you still have to dig a hole
19 May, 2010
I prefer a liner as it conforms to the shape you dig, mine was guaranteed or 20 years that was 10 years ago. I dont like the rigid edge you get with moulds but its personal preference!
19 May, 2010
Thank you all.
20 May, 2010
There are pluses and minuses, Bluemagnolia. Basins (as we call them here), are longer lasting than liners, and less prone to puncture, but there are only limited designs available, and they can be more difficult to install, especially the ones with shelves. A much bigger hole than the basin is needed, with sand packed around the sides, and under the shelves. On the other hand, the rigid, level shelves are a blessing when putting in tall potted bog plants, such as water Iris or Canna.
19 May, 2010