By Great
United Kingdom
Is it worth buying a native pond collection kit? For a tiny pond
23 May, 2010
its a mixture of native plants for a wildlife pond MG. I am not sure if thee worth buying as they range from £29. upwards It might be worth buying the plants seperartely
23 May, 2010
For ease I'd say so, but i like to pick out what i like personally. You might already know this but i didn't when I did my litlle ponds topping up with tap water is very bad try and collect rainwater and top up with that and dont worry about fluctuating levels. I used three belfast sinks and have just learned from trial and error, I do have blanket weed issues one of my sinks which I think is from toping up with tap water mainly. I would definately get a water lilly or two but be sure to get them for the right planting depth as they really do do much better (I've learnt). Provide some sort of rock/island type thing for amphibous creatures to get in and out (should they come that is). If you can collect rainwater easilly you could grow some carnivorous plants. Also I'm going to get some Sagittaria sagittifolia as I've read the tubor is edible! can't comment on weather its very nice yet though. Hope I'm not telling you stuff you already know.
23 May, 2010
Sounds expensive to me Great. Why not look at the list of the plants the kit offers and then buy the ones you think will fit into your pond.
23 May, 2010
Thanks MG on reflection I think your right.
23 May, 2010
Hello Neophyte. Your new to me, welcome to Goy. This is my very first pond. I did a blog about it. I have made my pond out of an old tin bath, sunk it into the ground and have planted up around it with grasses and the like. I have created several different habitats. Now i need to work on the pond. Yeah, I put tap water in my pond 3 weeks ago to fill it and I have algae which is normal for a new pond. More than that I don't know, but am willing to learn.
23 May, 2010
Great don't worry about the tap water you are doing fine...
23 May, 2010
Thanks MG. I have been looking at web sites and compairing prices - what a difference there is!! Just recieved my bird food catalogue and they are now doing mariginal plants next to nothing. Some of the plants sold about aquatic companies in there so called collections kits are ugly!!. The wildlife trust says to do nothing as plants and pond creatures will all come on there own!! Its cheaper at least lol
24 May, 2010
Yes the plants and the aquatic life will come... might take a few years but nature is not instant. Enjoy your garden for what it is Great.
24 May, 2010
will do
24 May, 2010
Thumbs up!
24 May, 2010
Hi Great what does the kit claim to do?
23 May, 2010