Hi anyone advise me on type of feeding "nourishment for acer"
By Andygault6
United Kingdom
Hi anyone advise me on type of feeding "nourishment for acer"Thank you to everyone for answers and advvvice, andy
23 May, 2010
I wouldn't worry about it being an acid feed - sorry Janey! Acers hate alkaline conditions, but they're perfectly happy in neutral soil, so an acid feed isn't essential - I'd use Growmore, raked in at the base. They really don't need much feeding anyway, particularly in the ground.
24 May, 2010
Thanks everyone for advice, was going to mix some ericasious but II!ll take advice and try Alkaline and someone had said that to "thro or mix" some old iron washers amongst soil is supposed to be benificial, think I!ll leave that one for the time being. Thanks again going to ogre this site for plants now, lol.
24 May, 2010
No, no, don't use anything alkaline, if that's what you're saying, Andy - just use ordinary Miracle Gro general purpose or Growmore granules, they're neutral.
24 May, 2010
Previous question
I would buy food suitable for all acid loving plants. These include Azalias, Rhododendrons, Ericas and Acers. Something like Miracle gro or similar that is soluble.
23 May, 2010