East Sussex,
United Kingdom
My courgette and pumpkin plants only seem to have male flowers being produced...will i ever see female ones?
I need to pollinate them but without the female flowers its not going to happen
Ive only got patio/decking and never see bees etc out side so i dont think itl happen naturally...
What other veggie plants need to be pollinated before producing?
25 May, 2010
really? i was told by someone on two occasions that both pumpkins and courgettes need to be pollinated either by hand or naturally...
ok now im confused lol.. but thanks!
29 May, 2010
They will sometimes refuse to produce female flowers (with the little fruits behind them) until the weather is nice and warm. They don't actually need to be pollinated to set fruit.
Veg that does need pollination include peas and beans.
29 May, 2010