By Steveg1966
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
I still want to plant some veg seed such has Chinese leaf pak choi mooli coriander is it too late or will they still be OK
25 May, 2010
Thanks for the info the weapon I use for slugs and snails is copper tape and it seems to work
26 May, 2010
It's definitely not too late for pak choi (i.e. the green/white type rather than the tightly-packed white cabbage type). You have to watch out for bolting if they mature in the hottest part of the summer but it is easy to grow them as baby plants as well, and they are really nice that way,. They can be cooked on the highest high heat for just a minute or even less with maybe a splash of oyster sauce or some garlic . Keep slugs and snails off them. It is the easiest thing I have ever grown, you can almost see them growing because they grow so fast. I start mine off in modules to help them along before the attackers arrive.
Coriander is fine too but I grow mine in an unheated greenhouse as I don't think we truly have the climate for growing it outside in this country and it is the favourite of the slugs and snails as well. Maybe others have grown it outside?
Someone else will have to comment on mooli.
25 May, 2010