By Grannytrish
United Kingdom
I am looking for the name of a shrub, the leaves are edged in red, have seen them used in flower arrangements
26 May, 2010
Beattie, thank you for your quick response, sorry have no picture yet, I was asked the question today by my son, he and his wife saw a floral arrangement where this leaf was used. quite small I believe but definate red rim to the leaf.
26 May, 2010
it could be hebe red edge.
26 May, 2010
Pittosporum? It has small wavy leaves and some varieties have pink edges or go pinkish in winter. Hebe? Possibly a fuchsia, if it had been grown under cover?
26 May, 2010
It could have been dyed! I worked for a while as a school lab tech & we used to dye flowers and variegated leaves with food colouring. :-) As an experiment to demonstrate uptake of water....
26 May, 2010
Yes I was thinking the same about possible dyeing. Otherwise, is the centre of the leaf light/lime/dark green, or very pale, is it shiny or not.... ?
26 May, 2010
Piccy please? Size of leaves, size of shrub, any flowers?
26 May, 2010