By Bazskeg
United Kingdom
i aint got a photo but at first i thought it was an insect or something it looked like a small woodlouse then afeter picking at it i realised it was a scale beneath which wass a sticky cotton like substance. What is it !
26 May, 2010
Yep, scale is what it is - I think Provado have something that might treat for this, but if there aren't many, a cotton bud dipped in methylated spirits and applied to the scale insect should enable you to remove it more easily, and will kill it anyway.
27 May, 2010
If it was stuck to a plant stem...about 1mm in would be a scale insect. Look for a spray to control it. The scale insect will suck the sap from your plants and weaken them. If it is on a house plant, you can scratch them then wash them off.
26 May, 2010