By Poppiegirl
Tyne and Wear,
United Kingdom
Hello All at GOY! Been busy! Can I ask if anyone knows when it's the right time to take cuttings of Chrysanthemums? I recieved a pot of them as a Thankyou gift and I'd love to share them.
27 May, 2010
Brilliant! Thankyou Millions! I knew I'd find the answer on here, it's a fabulous site.
28 May, 2010
Previous question
You can take cuttings of them now. trim off the short, unflowered shoots from around the base of the plant, about 2 inches long. trim off any lower leaves, dip them in hormone rooting powder and dibble them around the edge of a pot of compost. Put the pot in a propagator or a clear plastic bag.They shoud root in about 4 weeks. Then pot them on and pinch out the tips to make them bushy.
27 May, 2010