By Snoopdog
United Kingdom
hello .i am in north shropshire still waiting to get my first early potatoes in has anyone got theirs in yet still quite cold here i have made drills and put fert in 3 weeks ago looks like i will have to start soon
25 Mar, 2014
Bulb planted our on Sunday.
25 Mar, 2014
We are in N.Shropshire too and our soil is still too cold and wet to plant potatoes. Getting a bit late though.
25 Mar, 2014
I live in Turkmenistan now, but commute daily to about 20 miles south of you.
Soil is fine here.
25 Mar, 2014
I am in Brighouse West Yorkshire and mine are going in over the weekend the ground has been covered with clear polythene sheeting so its quite warm. I was talking to the secretary of the site and he said plot holders on our site tend to put them in the first week in April. I have also 21 30lire pots with firsts, seconds and main crop in my polytunnel and are doing really well that were planted 1st week in march.
25 Mar, 2014
My first row has been in several weeks, but under black plastic(which is off now) The next batch went in about a fortnight ago, but it has been very mild here in Pembrokeshire. (My few winter sown broad beans that were overwintered in the cloche run are now coming into flower - I just hope the bees find them!
25 Mar, 2014
I live in the mid Shropshire area and I put a couple of rows in a week ago and covered them with fleece, I usually plant potatoes in the middle of March, but I have not yet sown any small seeds as I think the soil is not yet warm enough here.
26 Mar, 2014
I haven't sown any seeds outside either - just a tray of leeks indoors and a couple of trays of bedders.I did put some garlic in though, hoping for the best.
26 Mar, 2014
Not now I've planted the garlic Snoop...
27 Mar, 2014
Mine went in last week.
25 Mar, 2014