United Kingdom
I have a plastic tub of chicken manure pellets which has been sitting out in the open for a while . Water has got in and turned it into a very pungent smelling liquid. Can this be used in the veg garden as fertilisher
31 May, 2010
This happened to me to left it outside over winter and the lid cracked and water got in. bamboo is right dilute it and use it - dont waste it
31 May, 2010
Thanks both Bamboo and Great. Will do as you suggest. Just hope my neighbours don't get too upset about the pong!!
1 Jun, 2010
Tough if they do!!!! Its natural, organic and its good for the garden. The smell doesnt last forever!
1 Jun, 2010
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Yes, though you might want to dilute it a fair bit before pouring it, and don't get it on the leaves.
31 May, 2010