By Sharonjones
United Kingdom
Hi can someone tell me I want to put something nice outside my front window in garden it gets very hot in summer there boiling and cold in winter and windy...can I put different roses there please ....I would like to have something that will last for ages as display or even little trees ...thank you ...sharon...:-)
11 May, 2014
Directly under my window in the ground the soil is quite stoney and does get very dry in summer heat ....thankyou Bamboo...
11 May, 2014
There is nothing there iv dug it and all in front is lawn
11 May, 2014
Difficult area then - Berberis springs to mind, but most of the evergreen ones get too tall to be beneath a window without treating them like a hedge - if you don't mind that, have a look at Berberis darwinii.
Otherwise, Berberis Admiration or Berberis thunbergii atropurpureum, together with Berberis thunbergii aurea nana. These will give yellow and red/purple foliage respectively, but they do drop their leaves in winter and are a bit prickly. If its windy out there in winter, about the only evergreen plant that might put up with that otherwise is Prunus Otto Luyken - just plain evergreen leaves with candle like flowers around May. Or Ulex (gorse). Euonymus fortunei varieties tend not to like lots of cold and cold winds, though the deciduous varieties will be okay with it.
11 May, 2014
Or a nice Daphene as it's evergreen and when flowers come out nice and scented.
11 May, 2014
Thank you Bamboo I will look at them much appreciate your answers roses no good Bamboo...? :-(
11 May, 2014
Thank you also skotcat I will look also :-)
11 May, 2014
pyrancantha may manage and you can tie it in to the wall and keep it clipped if you want. they have flowers and then berries and is evergreen too.
11 May, 2014
Not sure a daphne will cope in very hot conditions in summer...
11 May, 2014
How about roses moon grower ?:-)
11 May, 2014
You say you would like something that will last for ages - I have Nandina in similar circumstances to yours. They are evergreen, have very pretty leaves, small white flowers in summer and red berries in winter. Withstand hot or cold - very hardy!
11 May, 2014
Why not try and see? No harm done. If you make sure they are watered when they need it and prune them in autumn enough to avoid wind rock you might well get away with it. We are only four miles from the coast in Pembs with nothing to stop the wind and ours are OK.
11 May, 2014
My Daphen is in our back garden and gets all day hot sun when we have sun and has survived I same spot for 25yrs
11 May, 2014
I would think it might be difficult for whoever cleans the window,Sharon..if prickly plants are directly under it..maybe a more 'friendy' plant,as suggested ?
11 May, 2014
Scotkat, there is no such thing as full sun in our neck of Scotland… Wouldn't suggest a rose Sharon, not just because of the thorns but for most of the year they simply look sad and boring and are also prone to greenfly! Have you thought of cotoneaster horizontals?
11 May, 2014
Roses, you could do, they're hardy enough to withstand cold winds, but, as MG says, they don't look anything much unless they're in flower, so that's half the year. They also require proper care - feeding, spraying fortnightly during the growing season, pruning at the right times, correct deadheading.
12 May, 2014
And I personally would never plant anything to close to my house for the roots doing damage.
12 May, 2014
Hi everyone thanks for your advice much appreciated I'm new to gardening and plants well been doing it couple years but always plenty to learn I might just put some nice things in pots and display them I will see but keep the suggestions coming its exciting to read lol ....Sharon...;-) :-)
12 May, 2014
I'd go for a selection of 'border perennials' and bulbs. Spend a bit of time getting the soil in good condition and then plan out year round interest but with lots of scented flowers for the summer months in particular when the windows are likely to be open.
Roses won't answer - as others have said, they're only really interesting when in flower and they'll get in the window cleaner's way.
12 May, 2014
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Do you mean directly below the window, or in the middle of the garden in a bed on its own, or in a border to one side or the other, where there's other plants?
11 May, 2014