By Daff
emigrated from Yorkshire to Kent in April 2004,
United Kingdom
Does anyone know how to get rid of bindweed.
At the moment i don't have it growing in my garden,
It's coming from my neighbours garden, on both sides, It's only a matter of time before it puts its little roots down and says ......... I'm going to move in here. this is one neighbour that I don't want.
Gail x
3 Jun, 2010
on top of that you could do say a 6" wide cement edge up against your fence and maybe dress it up with pebbles . make this as deep as you can break any old rubble in there to. this should deswade it with the plastcic barrier .if you get like your going to the odd plant just make sure you keep an eye out to get it out asap.
4 Jun, 2010
Ok NP, when you coming round to start this project : )
Gail x
4 Jun, 2010
when do you want me gail lol xx .
4 Jun, 2010
There is a Spot Weed Killer on a stick, bit like a large Lip Stick, I put it on the leaves and it keeps mine at bay to a point but you must keep at in for a while for a good result but I don't think you will ever get rid of it compleatly.
4 Jun, 2010
NP, I went round the edges of the garden yesteday ............ too late, It's growning in my garden. I have a lot of shrubs and have problems getting close to the fence. Apart from bites and scratches : ( I have managed to get some of the worst of the weed out. When i go round again I'll have to cover up or get some insect repellent put on.
Gail x
6 Jun, 2010
I remember that, It was very good. I've tried to get some but been told it's been banned and not longer available, unless you know any different, Is there a name on the stick??
Gail x
6 Jun, 2010
Oh! Thats a pitty.
6 Jun, 2010
cant you use a membrane and mulch your garden daff ?
6 Jun, 2010
its a real bummer when people in the gardens next to you dont care .
6 Jun, 2010
NP, I'm going to try a weed control fabric. Yes you're right about people not bothered about their gardens but there's not a lot you can do about that.
I don't suppose we can all like gardening. People can be very strange.
I like the toadstools that you have in your picture, did you make them???
Gail x
6 Jun, 2010
yes gail i finished them the day before yesterday there about 3 feet tall xx im an artist or try to be lol . if you look on my blogs there are quite a few of my sculptures on some of them if you would like to look xx.
ps the membrane will work . may i suggest a broken slate mulch as it lasts a lot longer and looks lovley when its wet . it also because of the sharp edges harder for plants to grow through .take care bye for now xx.
6 Jun, 2010
Hi I used to work in kennels and used quite a lot of Jeyes Fluid no plant survived so try spot spray with a dilution of Jeyse/it also comes in powder form now-a-days good luck
6 Jun, 2010
Hi, I think this was answered on question 24613
6 Jun, 2010
as it goes jeyes fluid does kill plants emediatly but its made to break down and be bio friendly and at this stage becomes very plant friendly . im not saying it wont work i just think there are much better things you could use.
6 Jun, 2010
Thanks Redsongbird.
What about salt, if i were to break the bindweed off level with the soil, then put a pinch of salt on the wound ?????
Gail x
7 Jun, 2010
well you need an abundance of salt as aposed to a pinch but its a bit indescriminat excuse my spelling lol .
7 Jun, 2010
NP ... when we women say a pinch .... we mean a lot : )
I think your right, I may harm other plants if I start using salt.
Gail x
7 Jun, 2010
ok lol its just a thaught unless you can get just the weeds .
7 Jun, 2010
the only thing you can do is to sink a plastic layer down at least 10" deep as a barrier to prevent it spreading. sadly not much else if they are not on you land.
3 Jun, 2010