By Andrea_g6
United Kingdom
ok 2 questions in 1 here, firstly, what is this bug?? and secondly has anyone ever came across this before a forked lupin x

16 May, 2014
thankyou owdboggy, im intruiged to see how it flowers.
the beasties dont bother me as long as i know what it is, do they damage plants or is it a garden keeper??
16 May, 2014
Cardinal bugs are friends.
16 May, 2014
Andrea those beasties are definitely your friend. I asked the same question back in 2011.
Here's a link to the question, plenty about the there.
16 May, 2014
thanks scottish, great info, so glad i never squished it
23 May, 2014
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The bug is one of the Cardinal beetles.
The lupin is what is called 'fasciated' At some point there has been damage to the growing point and two (or more) stems have fused producing that effect. Sadly it is not genetic so will not repeat next year.
16 May, 2014