Andrea_g6's Profile

About me
hi yall!!! my name is andrea, I live in johnstone which is on the west coast of Scotland, im a very amateur Gardner and gained most of my knowledge from all you guys, so thankyou.
I live in a 6 in a block close which has a large communal garden with lots of clothes lines and which did have hundreds and hundreds of grass!!! just grass which if it didn't get cut regularly like once a week would be a jungle and it took FOREVER to cut, so me and my man scott took it upon ourself to turn it into a garden, beds and borders ment less grass to cut and so that's how my love of gardening started, trying to get rid of grass, there is still lots of it but its easier to cut now and we have a garden out of it.
I garden on a budget and love to recycle in the garden, if its free or I can make it into something ill have it, its very hands made most of my garden or out of old bits of wood.
anything else u wanna know just ask, don't know if ill have the answer but ill have a good bash at it x
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Joined in Jul 2012
Country: United Kingdom
County: Renfrewshire