By Urbanite
United Kingdom
Chelsea - seems like irises are in favour this year. Just been watching the Peoples' Garden programme and the Homebase garden for the Alzheimer's Society looks realistic that we could transport to the typical UK domestic garden (instead of the usual over the top show gardens)
19 May, 2014
I find Chelsea almost like a is not reality for me. My gardening is not growing thousands of plants and selecting a few hundred and arranging them in situ in a unrealistic environment. My gardening is struggling with wind, drout, weeds and pests....finding time to cut the lawn and prune. I love Chelsea and seeing it on the tv....then I look out of my patio window and see the reality before me. I love my garden....I love my plants....and I strive to do better but Chelsea is a week in the year when I 'luxuriate' in a fantasy. My other 51 weeks I struggle.
AND I LOVE IRISES but then I love all plants.....even the common daisy growing in my lawn.
19 May, 2014
Chelsea as you say is a dream. I have watched the programmes so far and have admired them, but the vision of the immaculate edges and clipped box, clear unblemished waters and leaf free lawns just are not reality.
I admire the technical perfection of the gardens but much prefer the riot of the wilder looking ones.
I see that cow parsley is still in vogue, what a laugh our Grandparents would have about that, and Iris's everywhere. Lots of one or two colour gardens it seems, dramatic, but what a lot you miss out on.
I would love a 'rill' or still pond, but how long before the bottom was choked with wind blown leaves and debris? I suppose you could get into a routine - Vacuum the house and dust, go out and vacuum the rill!
I am looking forward to the next few gardens to be discussed and shown.
20 May, 2014
I always wonder what the gardens would look like once the fennel has grown 7 feet tall and all the irises are over etc etc! But that's why they are show gardens. It would be no use if all the bedding was still only 2 inches tall! But you can take away ideas such as the colour combinations and general design ideas.
20 May, 2014
Whilst some of the show gardens are lovely (others not) It's difficult to take some of the ideas away.
I've not watched today's show but will watch it when I get home from work in the morning.
Last night's show inspired me so much, I took cuttings from one of my Nepeta. I'm thinking ahead too Autumn and what to do with my front garden. I've also found that Iris thrive there, after 4 years of trying them round the back. I can't specifically remember which garden had the Iris and Nepeta but it was gorgeous and I felt something I could achieve. Makes a change, as you say Urbanite.
19 May, 2014