By Coriana
United Kingdom
We have a pond in the corner of the garden which is completely natural, ie fed by the water table (no liner). it is in partial shade, surrounded on two sides by sycamores. size approx is 15 ft x 10ft. We have seen a newt and a frog or two but the surface is bright green and slimy (alge) and we'd like to ensure we are not suffocating the life out of it.
I am a complete pond novice! - Is this algae expected or a bad sign for pond life? I have put some yellow flag iris' around the edge (only a couple) as we also have a victorian water garden and they have multiplied to overflow in there and I hoped it would help oxegenate the pond?
Should I be adding anything else, be buying snails or lillies?? Leave the slime or scrape it off??
Any suggestions or care tips greatly appreciated
4 Jun, 2010
the algae is to be expected. you need to put other plants in that will help cover the surface of the water [1/3]. water lilies are good for this as is water hawthorn. if you can skim the thick of it off it will improve the appearance. Do you get run off from the garden? this will add nutrients which will 'enhance' the algal growth.
4 Jun, 2010
Please put pictures of your pond on here thanks. Welcome to GOY
5 Jun, 2010
as it goes the only thing that doesnt like algi/duck weed is people as its a perfectly healthy sign and it lets wild life hide and eat .is your pond nice and deep in the middle as if not your yellow iris will grow everywear its within 18" - 2` of the surface . i would grow a couple of lillies in there as there beautifull and bye nature the pointed buds go above the other water plants/algi and spreads out over the top .algi needs a lot of light so eventualy the lillies will cut this down.i think lillies are much more beautifull than barley straw and less tempery .
5 Jun, 2010
morning Leigh
5 Jun, 2010
good morning great xx
5 Jun, 2010
Thanks for all your help everyone! Pomd photo now uploaded. The middle is probably about knee deep at the moment but was thigh high only last month (as husband found out tee hee!) so the depth is constantly changing. There is a ditch along the length of the paddock behind which also feeds into it but apparently the whole thing floods to a degree in the winter...
5 Jun, 2010
just watch them irisses they grow like anything xx good luck .
5 Jun, 2010
I use Barley Straw in my pond, it will not harm any wild life, you can also put Barley Pellets in instead, I have bought some to try out, you just sprinkle them round the side of your pond or in some mesh and put under a waterfall if you have one, Good Luck in getting your pond nice and clear.
4 Jun, 2010