By Urbanite
United Kingdom
Pond liner. May be today's daft question but which way up does pond liner go- shiny or dull? I'm making a (very) small bog area in front of a Belfast sink so I don't think shiny or dull makes any difference but I'd like to know in case it get the urge to use the remaining liner to make a pond. (Will blog it when it's more than a muddy hole)
30 May, 2014
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pond ideas
I put the dull uppermost so the light didn't reflect off it too much. I don't think it matters. when we bought it 18yrs ago the instructions didn't say which way.
30 May, 2014
it doesn't matter but any that gets sun or close to the top ie the edges can get brittle unless its buetill excuse my spelling . it will of been expensive and have the feel of an inner tube about it .
31 May, 2014
Thanks. I thought the same SBG about the reflection. It's PVC (not butyl) but a good make with 15yr guarantee so should last.
The water level in the hole has gone down so hoping to get it lined and filled with organic stuff when I get home this evening.
31 May, 2014
It doesnt matter which way it goes.
30 May, 2014