By Rogermurden
3 years ago I purchase Mimulus Vortex plants from Suttons. They were stunning in my hanging baskets, and provided a much needed bright yellw cascade amongst the usual reds/purple etc. I have tried for the last 2 years to buy these plants again, but they seem to have disappeared off the radar. Sutton's ofiicial response is that they were bad sellers. This I find difficult to believe judging by the results I had and the comments passer-by made.
Thomson and Morgan do not seem to stock them any more, and neither do Amazon. Anyone know why they have disappeared totally - and better still, where I can get some?
Searches of the webs have produced no positive results, and I get transferred to other mimulus plant sites - but no "vortex"

1 Jun, 2014
Previous question
I wonder why Suttons are advertising them on this site then?
1 Jun, 2014