By Anniek
West Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
i need a fast growing hedge?
6 Jun, 2010
For evergreen plants: Under 4ft clipped height, Box Honeysuckle (Lonicera nitida) and it's golden form Baggesens Gold is good.
Above this height and also evergreen, Escallonia, Pyracantha, Cotoneaster somondsii or Cotoneaster franchettii.
Conifers to choose could be Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata), Leyland Cypress either the green form or the two gold varieties (though this can be problematic if not kept clipped), Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga) makes a surprising but excellent candidate for a hedge too as does it's near relative Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla).
Deciduous: Hornbeam is faster than Beech.
6 Jun, 2010
Hallo Fractal - lovely to have you back! :-)))
6 Jun, 2010
Hi Spritz, thanks :-)
6 Jun, 2010
Things to consider:
Do you want plants, grasses, bamboos, shrubs or trees.
Do you want evergreen or deciduous.
Thorny or not.
Soil type - clay, sand.
Location - dry/wet.
Aspect - North, East, South or West facing.
Light requirements for your property.
Will they be poisonous to children, pets (Yew, Laburnum, etc.).
I hope this helps.
6 Jun, 2010
Previous question
Annie, the problem is that anything that's fast growing may carry on growing...and not know when to stop!
However, I'm sure we could come up with some ideas for you for hedging if you click on the 'H' at the bottom of the page, you'll find 'Hedge Plants' with photos of some that are suitable.
Please - whatever you decide, don't plant Leylandii!!! :-((((
6 Jun, 2010