i have two cordyline australis palm trees about 8 feet tall each
By Chrise
Mid Glamorgan,
United Kingdom
i have two cordyline australis palm trees about 8 feet tall each, bought last year summered very well flowered looked amazing.snow and cold came now i think i have lost them should i cut them back to healthy bark. also there are little shoots coming from around the base of the tree can anyone help me please i am devistated about losing them
On plant
Cordyline australis
6 Jun, 2010
Hi Chrise
Just to let you know, everyone I know who had a Cordyline lost it due to the cold this winter.
6 Jun, 2010
thanks for all your advice it is a great help
7 Jun, 2010
your more than welcome .
7 Jun, 2010
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Previous question
well i fear the tops are dead because of the cold weather though i would leavwe them for now just incase it shoots from the top but dont hold your breath. i would leave it to as its root system may well be helping the new babies at the bottem.dont worry loads of people including myself were caught out bye this . next year i guess its best to rap ya cordalines up and protect them especialy as they are young and small but i would anyway . i would cut the dead big ones down next year myself just incase though it wont hurt cutting the dead leaves off of them.
6 Jun, 2010