By Zumba67
South Yorkshire,
United Kingdom
i have planted strawberry plants in wall baskets how do i take runners to make new plants
13 Jun, 2014
I grow strawberry plants in baskets. What I do is put a little moist compost in a piece of clingfilm, wrap this round the runner just under the leaves and secure the clingfilm with an elastic bend or some wire. In about a week they will root. Then I just cut the runner from the main plant, unwrap the plantlet and plant it out.
13 Jun, 2014
thanks to sheilabub & myron for your replies i wll give this a try
13 Jun, 2014
When the ends of the runners have a leaf or two and little roots, these need to be pinned down in a pot of compost. So you will probably have to take your baskets down off the wall to do this . . . then only cut the runners from the parent once they are established.
13 Jun, 2014