By Thorneyside
United Kingdom
Hi, does anyone know what this rose is called please? Bought as Danse de Feu 10 or 12 years ago it is about 8ft high at the moment (cut back after the floods to about 4ft) and growing. Smells wonderful and photo colour doesn't do it justice. It flowers all summer and last year being mild it had flowers in December. Any ideas?

16 Jun, 2014
hard one it looks like a 'reine victoria' a bourbon rose or some sort of hybrid of 'erinnerung an brod' a hybrid setigera rose.
16 Jun, 2014
Not very easy to identify a rose from a picture, as there are hundreds of them. Someone may be able to identify this one as it looks a little unique. Not me I am afraid.
16 Jun, 2014
Thanks to you all for your help
16 Jun, 2014
It looks a bit like Rosa de Rescht but do not know if there is a climbing one or Young Lycidias maybe, not sure it is very like them, but I am no expert. Have you gone on Classic Roses website and looked at the red varieties that might give you a better idea. You can click on red colours only and see if it is in their catalogue of roses, just an idea.
16 Jun, 2014
Hi Thorneyside. If it were me, I'd start by assuming that the nursery who sold it to you wrongly labelled will also sell this var. so try them first. It's an absolute stunner. It reminds me a little of Reine des Violettes, but the colour is too Red I think.
24 Jun, 2014
Thanks and I would but I can't remember where I bought it, just that it's always been known as Danse de feu. It will probably be a local garden centre. I now have 5 babies 3 years old. I didn't realise how easy to take rose cuttings in pots but now have babies of this one, oranges and lemons, Chris, and a beauty from my brother's garden.
25 Jun, 2014
Youre a dab hand at propagating Thorneyside!
25 Jun, 2014
Please do let us know if you find out!
4 Jan, 2015
I think Oliveoil might have got it...Rosa de Rescht?
4 Jan, 2015
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I can smell it from here. It's a beautiful rose.
16 Jun, 2014