By Michelle1950
United Kingdom
I was furious when I found these Lily beatles this year and they ate the leaves at an alarming rate, I filled my watering can with water and washing up liquid it killed them straight away
16 Jun, 2014
I'm afraid it is unlikely to have killed the beetles. Just knocked them down. Their outer coating isn't affected by it.
They fly too just to add to the problem.
17 Jun, 2014
hey just cause I want to know more info about plants, is there a natural predator to lily beetles?
17 Jun, 2014
The Americans, together with a French bio lab, have identified a parasitic wasp which lays its eggs on the beetles and which is helping reduce them in the USA but I haven't heard of it over here. There is also a spray (once again American) which can be used but I don't think that is here yet either. Seen
17 Jun, 2014
I spray my lilies with Provado, it says on the bottle that it kills most pests, including lily beetle, and I've definitely found that it works. I've tried just picking them off the leaves and treading on them, but unless your other hand is underneath the leaf, they throw themselves down into the soil and you can never see them. Provado is the way to go, before they can lay their lavae in that horrible brown goo.
17 Jun, 2014
I think the larvae cover themselves in their own excrement and are horribly slimy. I wipe them off with kitchen paper. I knock the beetles into a yogurt pot then tip them out and tread on them. I have used Provado too, with good effect.
18 Jun, 2014
Good work. Did it get the larvae as well?
16 Jun, 2014