By Bobangles
United Kingdom
When should i pinch out broad bean tops,no blackfly present.
17 Jun, 2014
I do not grow vegetables now but my father grew all our veg. in a quarter acre garden and I never knew him to pinch out the broad bean tops...ever. Are they getting very tall then?
17 Jun, 2014
I'm doing mine as I think there aren't many more flowers to come on the stem. And don't throw them away, you can steam and eat them and they taste like the beans.
17 Jun, 2014
I'm pinching mine out now as they are getting tall and spindly at the top and the blackfly have decided they're tasty!
18 Jun, 2014
Thank you everyone, Im gong to eat the tops today,in stir fry x.
19 Jun, 2014
We don't bother but now if you are going to.
17 Jun, 2014