By Helen35
United Kingdom
Hi I have a very large plant with a thick stem and large leaves. Theses leaves are hairy to touch and it has started producing big buds and little flowers along the stem. It is still growing and I don't know what it is, please help

19 Jun, 2014
Or is it Burdock?
19 Jun, 2014
Looks like my Hollyhocks at present( they haven't yet opened their buds). It will be interesting to see what colour yours is, will you put a pic on when it's in bloom?
19 Jun, 2014
A rust-free Hollyhock. Spectacular. Enjoy and post a pic when it flowers.
20 Jun, 2014
hollyhock in my opinion. it will be lovely and as mentioned looks rust free too.
20 Jun, 2014
Previous question
« hi I have this plant growing in my garden can anyone tell me what it isĀ
Looks very much like a hollyhock.
19 Jun, 2014