By Johndavie
United Kingdom
does rue act as a deterant for cats
On plant
Thalictrum delavayi
7 Jun, 2010
Thalictrum is also called Meadow Rue, Bamboo. I don't know the answer, but I think it refers to Thalictrum delavyi (chinese meadow rue).
7 Jun, 2010
It doesn't deter cats as far as I'm concerned, but I know a plant that does seem to work...Coleus Canina (Plectranthrus ornatus) has a vile scent if you touch it, smelling rather like a mangy old dog...perhaps where the 'Canina' comes in. I have it dotted around the garden and it seems to work. It is available in most garden centres now or you can buy online....just Google 'plants to deter cats' and this one will come up. Good luck!
8 Jun, 2010
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Thalictrum Delavayi 'Hewitt's Double'
£7.99 at Best 4 Plants -
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I;m a little confused - you're asking about rue (Ruta graveolens) but the plant reference under your question is to Thalictrum. Anyway, I grew Ruta when I had six kittens and their mum, and I certainly didn't notice their keeping away from it.I kept away from it because it irritates the skin, but they didn't seem to mind.
7 Jun, 2010