By Macaulay
United Kingdom
when should a lawn be scarified for moss
19 Jul, 2008
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lawn care
I can see your point of view, Bonkers, and I agree the lawn looks awful with dead moss in it. However, I do use moss killer because I find it easier to see the moss that needs removing ...... what it is to have failing eyesight, eh!
I have been helping my parents ( well, my Mother ) cope with their garden this year. Their lawn was thick with moss thanks in the main to the clay soil and the oak trees in the neighbouring woods overhanging their lawn. Yes, the lawn virtually turned brown when I used moss killer in the spring, and it has been hard work raking it out, but the grass is recovering and is looking much healthier now.
20 Jul, 2008
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Usual time is early spring and autumn but this spring really dry and now weather much wetter so I been doing it now, personally I avoid those treatments with moss killer in as lawn still requires raking out and lawn looks awful.
19 Jul, 2008