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By Hank

Cheshire, United Kingdom

My first early spuds, set in March look healthy enough but are only 2ft 6 tall with no flowers at all. Photo below
My second earlies, set over 6 wks later are 3ft 6 tall and have a great crop of flowers. Photo below.
What's happening here ?



Some types of potatoes do not flower.

24 Jun, 2014


Why not scrabble underneath and see what size the spuds are?

24 Jun, 2014


Thanks guys, I'll have a rummage underneath in the morning. ( pentland Javelin the small ones with no flowers.)

24 Jun, 2014


Were there any?

25 Jun, 2014


Hi Sue, I 've only looked at the pentland Javelin so far as we have enough for now, and there were just 4 decent sized tatties, ( no small ones ) , but I'll check out the much taller ones shortly

26 Jun, 2014

How do I say thanks?

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