By Jenko
United Kingdom
Propagation of box cuttings. I want to increase my box and have taken cuttings but I'm unsure whether I should group 3 or 4 cuttings together to form a new plant or should each cutting be a separate plant? I know it's won't be a quick process but it seems as if individual stems would take even longer. Any thoughts welcomed. Thanks.
1 Jul, 2014
If you do as Scotsgran said, but use clear plastic containers to propagate them. I cut the tops off 5 litre plastic containers, (the type that liquid soap or screen wash comes in) and put holes in the bottom. You will be able to see the roots through the container wall when they are ready.
1 Jul, 2014
Agree with the above - I find it takes 4+ months for them to root. Keeping them in full shade also maximizes success.
1 Jul, 2014
Good point Myron. Saved clear soft fruit containers come with holes in. I usually trim my box plants around now and propagate the larger cuttings. I have uploaded a photo of some I took and have planted out to make a trough full of box hedge. Your cuttings taken now will be ready for potting on in October as Botanic says they do not take long to root. I set my pots of cuttings on the open top of a full compost bin. They are sheltered and in shade. The heat in the bin might be helpful and they do catch any rain that is falling.
2 Jul, 2014
Thanks everyone, some very useful tips. I think I might experiment and try some single and some grouped as I took so many cuttings. I'll definitely trim them when the time comes and I love the idea of see through pots (money saving too!) I'll also keep them in shade to give them the best chance. Happy gardening.
2 Jul, 2014
I insert cuttings around the edge of a plant pot. When they start to show signs of new growth I put my hand over the top of the pot and decant the contents onto my other hand. If there are clear signs of roots I pot them up singly. Once the roots fill the new pot I transplant them in to bigger pots. The new plants do need to be trimmed to keep them bushy unless you want a stem showing. I have never planted any other way. I know if you buy growing plants they do have several plants to a pot but I feel if you give each one plenty of root space they grow well. Good luck with your project.
1 Jul, 2014