By Johnp58
Hertfordshire, United Kingdom
I have a very nice square, wooden container about 20 inches square at the top tapering down to 15 inches square at the base. It would be in the shade for much of the day and wondered if any of you knowledgable people have any ideas what I can plant in it? I would like some height (3 or 4 feet) but not too much in the way of width.
I am open to any ideas. Thank you.
- 2 Jul, 2014
ferns or other shade loving plants are a nice idea.
2 Jul, 2014
The depth us approx. 2 feet
2 Jul, 2014
The no width rules out Fatsia then - Fatshedera lizei meets the criteria, if you provide some sticks for bit of support, that gets 4 feet, does well in shade and there are variegated versions available. Box - if you want to spend some money, a toparied one, maybe a spiral or similar. Many other plants that would be okay in shade can't be used because they get wide as well as tall.
2 Jul, 2014
There is an ilex with tiny leaves and a very narrow columnar habit that would do well in your container. While it is young you can brighten up the area round it with annual begonias, and perhaps pop in a few miniature daffodils for Spring. There's also a fastigiate berberis with golden leaves which would look nice - its not as narrow as the ilex but its deciduous while the ilex is evergreen.
2 Jul, 2014
The berberis won't colour up though, Steragram, not in shade (if you're thinking of Red Pillar or Helmond Pillar), they need sun, so they'll just be plain green.
3 Jul, 2014
Bamboo I meant the one with golden leaves not the red ones - I have both so I'm not confusing them.
3 Jul, 2014
but don't the yellow ones stay green in shade as well? I've never grown one, so don't know...
4 Jul, 2014
Well mine gets sun until mid afternoon and so I can't really be sure. The leaves round the back of it which will be in shade all the time are still golden though.
4 Jul, 2014
Ooh, that's interesting, thanks for that Stera.
5 Jul, 2014
How deep is it from top to bottom?
2 Jul, 2014